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In a rut?  Try this
Graham Hawkes
/ Categories: Business Planning

In a rut? Try this

Is it time to take stock and assess where you are going?

Try this approach:

What things would you rather not be doing?

What would you like to do more of?

What are you not doing that you would benefit from doing?

List any challenges that you need to overcome and add some options as to how you could overcome them – and if it’s a dream, then add some steps that you could take to remove it from the dream list to reality.

Sometimes it takes a simple step back to identify that you may be in a rut and need to re-set your course – just like a ship that has set its course but tides and winds have blown it towards something else.  That happens in business as you get caught up too much in the now and before you know it, you are heading in the wrong direction.


So put away some time every month to re-assess where you are at, and whether you really do want to be on the present path.  If you don’t do it often enough, like the ship blown off course, you will end up somewhere else.

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